Hello, my name is Joseph Kulits. After earning a bachelors of fine arts in studio and digital art, I interned with Serbian iconography master Ugljesa Mileta from whom I gained a love for the beauty of the old masters's work and traditional iconography, as well as some of the phronema of Holy Iconography. I also received support from Greek iconographer George Mamatsios who studied under the Danielite Fathers of Mount Athos. Currently, with the blessing of my spiritual father, I work and serve my own clients.
As an iconographer, I do nothing but offer something liturgically that is already God’s back to Him ("Thine own of thine own"). As my friend Ugljesa put it, "We as iconographers do nothing but uncover on the walls what is already there"--the ever-present, living reality of saints and the Holy Orthodox life in Christ. Indeed, Christ himself is the "author and finisher of our faith” (Heb 12:2), and since He came in the flesh He too is the archetype and true creator of sacred icons. Through Christ's divine inspiration and in accordance to the Holy Tradition of His Church, many iconographers have already created a glorious host of beautiful and grace-filled icons; they have set the standard and have depicted in vivid line and pigment our Faith's living "cloud of witnesses" (Heb 12:1). My contribution is therefore minuscule, yet on this rich canvas of iconographic tradition I am grateful to be but one small stroke of color. Following in obedience the footsteps of those who have come before, I seek to do my part in preserving and carrying this sacred artistic tradition forward.
I pray that every icon God allows me to paint may be a pleasing sacrifice to Him and a blessing to every venerator and viewer; that with a brush I may simply aid my fellow Christian brothers and sisters in proclaiming the living power of our Faith. As a dear priest friend told me once, "I want icons on every inch of our Church space, so that if one day we are told to be silent about Christ, even the walls will cry out!"